



Northdale即将上线前夕,我们将发布更多关于我们新服务器的消息。还将有一个Q&A环节,将向玩家们解答他们的疑虑。我们一直在努力确保在Northdale上线之际,能够给玩家们带来更好的游戏体验。 我们已经讨论是否有必要启动第二个服务器,以避免玩家拥挤导致无法登录游戏情况。即使那样,一旦服务器稳定下来,两个服务器就会合并成一个服务器。


Greetings Heroes of Azeroth!


We are excited to announce the launch of our new fresh server Northdale (PVP) to be released on June 23, 2018. Northdale will start on patch 1.2 and the timeline will be similar to Lightbringers patch progression. Nothing has been set in stone in regards to timeline progression, more information will be released in the near future.


As we come closer to the the release date of Northdale, we will be releasing more information regarding our new server. There will also be a hosted Q&A to ensure that the community is properly informed before the launch. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of the servers and seeking options to ensure a smooth launch once the time comes. We have discussed the possibility of launching a second realm to reduce queue time for players to login and prevent clutter in one spot, that being said, if we were to go this route both realms will be merged into the same realm shortly after.


Stay tuned for more information.(edited)