Dear players,


The Naxxaramas PTR will be open for testing on the 14th August 2017 at 18:00 server time (6PM).


Our development team since the last testing session have been working non-stop to ensure the quality of Naxxaramas, and to that end; ALL wings will be opened up for players to test.


Please read the following information regarding this weeks testing period:





-在所有起始地区都将有一个传送NPC,让您进入奥格瑞玛或铁炉堡。 这个NPC将允许您直接传送到纳克萨玛斯以及艾泽拉斯的其他地方,以测试在未来几周内将添加到测试服的“灾难事件”。

Initially, we want feedback on all parts of Naxxramas. Once we have enough feedback on a certain wing or boss we may close these sections. This is so we can focus testing on other areas so our developers can start working and gaining more feedback on the wings where it's most needed. They will then be re-opened for testing once issues have been resolved. 

最初,我们需要对纳克萨玛斯的所有部分的反馈。 一旦我们对某个机翼或boss有足够的反馈,我们可能会关闭这些部分。 这样我们就可以将测试重点放在其他区域,这样我们的开发人员就可以开始工作,并获得其他最需要反馈的信息。 一旦问题解决,他们将重新开放测试。

Each boss in Naxxramas will despawn 30 minutes after being pulled. This should provide enough time to locate any bugs. If we find that more time is needed, we will make the appropriate changes.

纳克萨玛斯的每个boss都会在被推倒30分钟之后刷新。 这应该提供足够的时间找到任何错误。 如果我们发现需要更多的时间,我们将做出适当的改变。

GM's and testers will be available throughout the testing period. They will be able to assist you with problems that may arise during this time. 

GM和测试人员将在整个测试期间都在。 他们将能够协助您解决在此期间可能出现的问题。

Players are kindly asked that if they can, to record their runs and if you encounter a bug or problem, post them on the Naxxaramas testing  page located on Github using this link:


Note: Any bugs, recorded on video or not are to be posted here.


