英雄们!Lightbringer战争物资收集已经完成!5天后,就在服务器时间2月4日 星期天 下午3点34分(北京时间10点34分),甲虫之锣将被敲响。当第一声锣响后,10小时内甲虫之锣能够被再次无限制的敲响,每一个拥有流沙节杖的英雄都可以敲响它,黑色其拉作战坦克将是对这些英雄的奖励。


安其拉废墟 和 安其拉神殿 将在第一声锣响后正式开启!

The War Effort Collection on Lightbringer is complete! Five days from now, at approximately 3:34pm Server Time (GMT+1) on Sunday, February 4th, the Scarab Gong will be available for ringing. After the first time the gong is rung, it will remain available for 10 hours as the war rages in Silithus. During this time, other heroes that have acquired the Scepter of the Shifting Sands may ring the gong to receive the Black Qiraji Battle Tank.


The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raids will be available as soon as the gong is rung.